Thursday, February 03, 2005

Turkish Daily News:"...and the EU reminds Turkey of Cyprus condition for talks

"...and the EU reminds Turkey of Cyprus condition for talks
Thursday, February 3, 2005
TDN Editorial by Yusuf KANLI

Surprise... The European Union has reminded Turkey once again that for the start of its accession talks on Oct. 3 -- indeed, just the screening process that is anticipated to last a year or so -- Turkey ought to sign a document extending a 1963 association treaty covering all new members of the EU, including the Greek Cypriot administration, which is a member of the block as the "government of Cyprus" representing the entire territory and the whole of the population of the eastern Mediterranean island.
Surprise? What? Weren't we aware that we would be asked to take that step when on the night of Dec. 16-17 our skillful politicians were bargaining with EU leaders over which conditions were necessary for this country to be given a date for the start of accession talks?"

More:Turkish Daily News