Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Why US Changed Position On Turkey’s Participation In Mosul Liberation Operation – OpEd – Eurasia Review

Why US Changed Position On Turkey’s Participation In Mosul Liberation Operation –
By Iran Review October 25, 2016

By Alireza Rahimi*

It was last December when Turkey deployed its military forces to Bashiqa military base north of the Iraqi city of Mosul after which the war of words and diplomatic tensions escalated between governments in Baghdad and Ankara over violation of Iraq’s sovereignty and territorial integrity by Turkey. The tensions reached their peak as the time came for launching liberation operation of Mosul when the government of Turkey indicated its resolve to take part in that operation, prompting political and parliamentary officials as well as leaders of political parties in the two countries to take position on this issue.

More:Why US Changed Position On Turkey’s Participation In Mosul Liberation Operation – OpEd – Eurasia Review