Tuesday, October 25, 2016

An honest road map with the US - AHU ÖZYURT

An honest road map with the US

Turkey has started debating the presidential system in an awkward way. The Justice and Development Party’s (AK Party) proposal has very few similarities with democratic presidential systems like those of the United States or France. It is almost an à la carte democracy for beginners with immense powers given to the “president” to dissolve the parliament, appoint judges to high-level courts and the like, but no control over the president him/herself. As long as the Nationalist Movement Party’s (MHP) red lines are limited to the first four articles, the AK Party’s top brass will be able to sell their idea as a “Unitarian Presidential System” that will be similar to those in fragile Central American democracies. But this article is not really about Turkey’s ongoing discussion.

More:An honest road map with the US - AHU ÖZYURT