Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Turkey's Vegetable Cornucopia

"Turkey's Vegetable Cornucopia
by Regina Schrambling
on 09/27/10 at 03:01 PM

It was a busy weekend for vegetable-trashing: My hometown paper ran two stories on how Americans resist anything but french fries even when carrots are packaged like Doritos.

All the reasons have been gone over so often I get weary just recounting them. But a new cookbook that landed on my doorstop makes me wonder if the problem might be that vegetables are second-class ingredients in this country, too often relegated to the side of the plate. Using just one recipe, I turned a pound of zucchini into a crustless pie that kept me happy for days."

More:The Epi-Log on Epicurious.com: Turkey's Vegetable Cornucopia