Monday, February 28, 2005 'fatigue' between Turkey and the EU

"No 'fatigue' between Turkey and the EU
28.02.2005 - 17:57 CET | By Lucia Kubosova
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Ankara and Brussels have denied claims that there has been 'some fatigue' or 'not a good atmosphere' between the EU and Turkey, as suggested by a Luxembourg Presidency official.

Speaking to the NTV channel prior to his meeting with Turkish representatives on Monday (28 February) in Ankara, Nicolas Schmit, the Luxembourg Minister Delegate for Foreign Affairs, raised doubts about Ankara's determination to join the union, saying, 'after the Brussels summit there has been some fatigue'.

'We cannot say there is a very good atmosphere in EU-Turkey relations', he added.

However, both the European Commission's spokesperson and a Turkish spokesman have denied that the climate has changed between Brussels and Ankara since the EU summit in December, where Turkey was given the green light for EU talks to start on 3 October.

'Our foreign minister made it clear after talking to Mr Schmit that there had not been such a situation', Engin Solakoglu from the Turkish Mission told the EUobserver."

mORE:No 'fatigue' between Turkey and the EU