Thursday, February 03, 2005

Arab Monitor - Barzani to exploit Iraqi vote for push towards indipendent Kurdistan

"Barzani to exploit Iraqi vote for push towards indipendent Kurdistan

Baghdad, 3 February - As head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Massoud Barzani is trying to exploit the recent Iraqi elections to carve out a Kurdish autonomous region, if not an independent northern Iraqi Kurdistan. In making his public declarations regarding the inevitability of Kurdish 'self-rule', Barzani was relying on an informal survey conducted by volunteers which are reported to have shown that 95% of the Iraqi Kurds wanted 'self-rule'. This is a project which Turkey, Iran and Syria fear might lead to the establishment of an indipendent State that would become a destabilizing factor. Their fears are justified, as the Iraqi Kurdish regions are being increasingly used by US and Israeli special forces to infiltrate Syria and especially Iran, laying the ground for destabilizing actions and selective strikes against targets deemed of military importance."

More:Arab Monitor - Sito di informazione dal mondo arabo