Thursday, December 23, 2004

Who is the hostage of whom?

"Who is the hostage of whom?
Turkish Daily News: 12/23/2004
By Yusuf Kanli
TDN- It's high time to realize that neither Greek Cypriot leader Tassos Papadopoulos and Greece nor Turkish Cypriot President Rauf Denktas -- and indeed Prime Minister Mehmet Ali Talat -- and Turkey can brush off mounting international pressure for a fresh round of diplomacy over the faltering U.N. peace plan for the eastern Mediterranean island of Cyprus.
The Dec. 17 decisions as well as the pre-decision discussions of the European Council must be carefully evaluated, and all parties to the Cyprus problem must realize that they have entered a period in which they cannot just simply stay out of a process which, if they don�t volunteer for it, will be imposed on them. "

More:Who is the hostage of whom?