Thursday, December 23, 2004

Turks.US - No one thinks we can do this

"No one thinks we can do this
Thursday, December 23 2004 @ 07:45 AM Central Standard Time

Views: 26
By Mehmet Ali Birand

The number of Europeans who think Turkey will be able to complete the EU process is very few.
I met with many who said: �You can�t manage this. Sooner, rather than later, you will get stuck and abandon the negotiations without any legitimate reasons.�

Actually, there is some truth to what they say.

The changes we need to undergo are so huge that no amount of money or determination can succeed. Tomorrow, businessmen will be up in arms. The next day it will be the vocational associations� turn to rise up. Then will come the unions. Each and every one of them will be complaining when their interests are under threat.
So who will support the government that is doing the negotiating?
This is the biggest hope of those who are campaigning against Turkey."

More:Turks.US - No one thinks we can do this