"Is Turkey Being Punished For its Historical Role?
By Ali Al-Hail
Al-Jazeerah, December 18, 2004
Turkey has eventually, got a �conditioned� date from the EU which is, October 2005 for starting negotiations to join the EU after apparently, promising to consider making �painful� compromise or even concession on the question of Cyprus.
However, recognition of Cyprus though it is the main demand put to Turkey by the EU as a prerequisite to become a full member, there are other dangling issues Turkey has to deal with positively, in order to satisfy the Europeans.
Amongst them the infamous massacre of the Armenians by the Turkish army during the past century of which Turkey will have to give a reasonable interpretation to circumstances in which the bloodbath took place and to apologize to the Armenians and to the whole World for such a wrong doing. "
More:Is Turkey Being Punished For its Historical Role? By Ali Al-Hail