Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Turkey: “Will Erdogan leave power if he loses the elections? » - Globe Echo

Turkey: “Will Erdogan Leave Power If He Loses The Elections? » EUROPE By David Sadler Last Updated May 2, 2023 SAre we living through the end of the Erdogan era? It may be too early to tell. Firstly because, in Turkish political life, a week is equivalent to a year; the picture only becomes clearer a few days before the elections, which will take place on Sunday 14 May. Despite the major setbacks of the economic crisis and the immense trauma caused by the February earthquake, Recep Tayyip Erdogan thinks he still has time. This is not the first time he has faced a crisis; after twenty years of reign, the leader of the AKP (Justice and Development Party) knows the rules of the Turkish political game well and he exercises almost total control over state institutions. It is therefore clear that he will do everything in his power not to lose power, and that he will not surrender without resistance. More:Turkey: “Will Erdogan leave power if he loses the elections? » - Globe Echo