Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Will US and EU pressure soften Erdogan’s brand of strongman rule? | The Strategist

Will US and EU pressure soften Erdogan’s brand of strongman rule? 6 Jul 2021|Nikolaos Skondrianos US President Joe Biden’s declaration on the Armenian genocide raised the ire of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who labelled the decision as a ‘wrong step’ and called for ‘good neighbourly’ ties with Armenia. He disputed Biden’s ‘baseless, unjust and untrue remarks’ and advised him to remember America’s own history with its native peoples. Erdogan’s reaction reflects Turkey’s increasing confidence in pushing back against Western criticism, its foreign policy posture one of perpetual antagonism and grievance. More:Will US and EU pressure soften Erdogan’s brand of strongman rule? | The Strategist