Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Turkey’s Regime Is Paralyzed By A Mob Kingpin’s Revelations: The Strategic Implications

Turkey’s Regime Is Paralyzed By A Mob Kingpin’s Revelations: The Strategic Implications Melik KaylanContributor Policy I cover conflicts, frontiers and upheavals mired in history. Follow The world's most colorful political psychodrama is unfolding in Turkey, convulsing the country and its power heirarchy. A top Turkish underworld figure, Sedat Peker, has parted ways from the ruling Erdogan party and is posting long videos on Youtube alleging all manner of crimes by leading figures in government and their allies. Crimes from bribery to murder to rape to drug smuggling and much else like threatening opposition media, commandeering zillions from national banks and corrupting the judiciary so routinely that no rule of law can be said to exist. Deploying mafia to do its dirty work - this is what Turks call 'the deep state' – they invented the phrase – was a phenomenon that flourished in the 1990s and before, which Erdogan first came to power promising to eradicate. More:Turkey’s Regime Is Paralyzed By A Mob Kingpin’s Revelations: The Strategic Implications