Thursday, March 11, 2021

Democracy in Turkey - A coup of 60 years ago still casts a shadow over Turkish politics | Books & arts | The Economist

A coup of 60 years ago still casts a shadow over Turkish politics The fate of Adnan Menderes haunts the country—and its current president Mar 13th 2021 ISTANBUL About ten kilometres from Istanbul’s southern shore, beyond the better-known Princes’ Islands that were home to exiled Byzantine royals, a cluster of concrete walls rises from the Marmara Sea. Yassiada was once a solemn and neglected place, with a handful of decaying, overgrown buildings. A few years ago Turkey’s authorities chopped down most of the trees to make room for a convention centre, a mosque, a hotel—and a museum. Its highlights include a replica courtroom and mechanical wax figures of judges, prosecutors and the island’s most famous prisoner, Adnan Menderes. More:Democracy in Turkey - A coup of 60 years ago still casts a shadow over Turkish politics | Books & arts | The Economist