Thursday, August 13, 2020

Charlemagne - Fethullah Gulen shares blame for Turkey’s plight | Europe | The Economist

Fethullah Gulen shares blame for Turkey’s plight
The exiled imam did much to cripple democracy

You might think that by now Turkey had run out of handcuffs. But although the wave of arrests related to the bizarre coup attempt that rocked the country in the summer of 2016 has certainly slowed, it has not stopped. Every week seems to bring a new round-up of suspected members of the Gulen community, or cemaat, the Islamist movement that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan blames for the coup. At least 41 people, many of them soldiers, were detained on July 27th. Warrants for over two dozen others were issued last week.

More:Charlemagne - Fethullah Gulen shares blame for Turkey’s plight | Europe | The Economist