Wednesday, June 10, 2020

RELEASE: Censorship in Turkey Fuels Greater Distrust, More Misinformation on Social Media - Center for American Progress

RELEASE: Censorship in Turkey Fuels Greater Distrust, More Misinformation on Social Media
Date: June 10, 2020
Contact: Sam Hananel
Email: ‮g​r​o​.​s​s​e​r​g​o​r​p​n​a​c​i​r​e​m​a​@​l​e​n​a​n​a​h​s‭
Washington, D.C. — A new report from the Center for American Progress highlights how government censorship in Turkey has caused troubling developments in Turkey’s media landscape, leading to greater distrust and more misinformation being spread on social media.

More:RELEASE: Censorship in Turkey Fuels Greater Distrust, More Misinformation on Social Media - Center for American Progress