Sunday, November 17, 2019

As Bad Loans Explode in Turkey, Government Tries to Recreate Debt-Fueled Boom that Led to its Financial & Currency Crisis | Wolf Street

As Bad Loans Explode in Turkey, Government Tries to Recreate Debt-Fueled Boom that Led to its Financial & Currency Crisis
by Nick Corbishley • Nov 17, 2019 • 7 Comments • Email to a friend
Banks are being pushed to lend with the same reckless abandon.
By Nick Corbishley, for WOLF STREET:
İşbank, one of Turkey’s largest private banks, has warned that the non-performing loans (NPLs) in its portfolio could reach 7.5% of its total loan book by the end of this year, up from a previous estimate of 6%.

More:As Bad Loans Explode in Turkey, Government Tries to Recreate Debt-Fueled Boom that Led to its Financial & Currency Crisis | Wolf Street