Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Turkey's Erdoğan makes troubling turn toward Atatürk - Foreign Affairs | Ahval

Turkey's Erdoğan makes troubling turn toward Atatürk - Foreign Affairs

The politician from whom the Islamist Recep Tayyip Erdoğan initially sought to distance himself, the secular-minded, Western-leaning founder of Turkey, is the one Turkey’s president has come to resemble the most, said an analysis for Foreign Affairs magazine. 

Erdoğan is the most baffling politician in Turkey’s history, polarising and popular, by turns calm and angry, and with an ideology that shifts every few years. But starting with his early years in Turkey’s Islamist Welfare Party, he steadily built a base among Turkey’s poor and conservatives, which he converted into a series of increasingly impressive electoral victories, from Istanbul mayor in 1994 to the Turkish prime ministership and finally president in 2014.

More:Turkey's Erdoğan makes troubling turn toward Atatürk - Foreign Affairs | Ahval