Monday, August 20, 2018

Turkey Is and Has Been a Reliable NATO Member - WSJ

Turkey Is and Has Been a Reliable NATO Member

Turkey has been a proud and indispensable ally for over 60 years.
Aug. 19, 2018 1:01 p.m. ET

Bernard-Henri Levy falsely claims that Turkey has been an unreliable ally (“NATO Should Give Turkey the Boot,” op-ed, Aug. 14), but that argument ignores decades of history. Turkey has been a proud and indispensable ally for over 60 years: as a front-line combatant against ISIS and other religious extremists, guardian of NATO’s southern flank and home to the alliance’s second-largest armed forces. Mr. Levy accuses Turkey of spreading Islamist extremism and fomenting violence in Syria, but the opposite is true.

More:Turkey Is and Has Been a Reliable NATO Member - WSJ