Monday, June 18, 2018

Is Greece About To Lay Legal Claim To Atatürk And His Legacy? - Eurasia Future

Is Greece About To Lay Legal Claim To Atatürk And His Legacy?
Written by Andrew Korybko on 2018-06-18

It’s absurd to consider the founding father of the modern-day Turkish state as anything other than a Turk, but if the Greek Parliament passes the recently concluded “name deal” with Macedonia, then Athens will legally be obliged to regard everything in Greek Macedonia – including Atatürk, who was born in the regional capital of Thessaloniki – as having the “attribute” of being part of “Hellenic civilization, history, culture and heritage…from antiquity to the present day”.

More:Is Greece About To Lay Legal Claim To Atatürk And His Legacy? - Eurasia Future