Wednesday, February 01, 2017

The U.S. Breaks Its Promise to Syrian Refugees in Turkey - The New Yorker

The U.S. Breaks Its Promise to Syrian Refugees in Turkey
By Emily Feldman February 1, 2017

Hours before Donald Trump signed an executive order halting all refugees’ admission to the United States, and banning immigration from seven Muslim-majority nations, including Syria, Sohir, a forty-four-year-old woman living in Istanbul, was imagining a reunion in America with her son. (Sohir, like other refugees interviewed for this article, requested that her full name not be used, out of fear of jeopardizing her resettlement case.) “I think I’m going to Los Angeles, because my sponsor is there. But I can then go to him in Philadelphia,” she said on Friday. “I won’t bother him in his daily life, but I’ll be close to him if he needs me if I miss him.”

More:The U.S. Breaks Its Promise to Syrian Refugees in Turkey - The New Yorker