Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Stable Turkey: Enjoy every minute! - BURAK BEKDİL

Stable Turkey: Enjoy every minute!

On June 7, 2015 Turks went to the ballot boxes and deprived the ruling party, the Justice and Development (AKP), of its parliamentary majority for the first time since it came to power in November 2002. The next day Burhan Kuzu, today an MP and presidential advisor - and then a senior AKP member - said “The nation has chosen chaos. Now enjoy it.” Hence the AKP’s slogan, “Vote for Stability!” for the subsequent re-elections on Nov. 1. In October, then Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said “Peace and stability are our primary vision.” A day before the Nov. 1 election, he predicted that “Turkey will vote for stability.” He was – kind of - right.

More:Stable Turkey: Enjoy every minute! - BURAK BEKDİL