Saturday, June 11, 2016

What will the president do now? - MEHMET Y. YILMAZ

What will the president do now?

When President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was about to board his plane to the Unites States to attend the funeral of a person he had never met in his life, spending our taxes, he said the following about the Armenian genocide resolution approved in the German Parliament:

“If Germany does not return from this wrong step, we, of course, will make an assessment according to this; the steps we have to take will be different. In other words, the period from now on will not be like the one up until today. There is a course in Germany, right now, where there are 3 million-3.5 million Turks. From now on, of course, this will be conducted in a much more careful, in a much more controlled way.”

More:What will the president do now? - MEHMET Y. YILMAZ