Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Free court, free press important for EU investments in Turkey - MURAT YETKİN

Free court, free press important for EU investments in Turkey

Murat Yetkin

“The immigration deal is very important for the European Union and relations with Turkey; actually it has the highest importance now,” said European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs Pierre Moscovici during an interview on April 25 in Istanbul. “We want to revitalize relations with Turkey in every field, including [the] economy. But for that structural reform, including fiscal policies, judicial reforms [and] freedom of press are highly important as well,” Moscovici continued. “Investments need stability, predictability and security, that is why we talk about reforms and that includes free courts and free press, as I mentioned to Turkish ministers I talked to this morning.”

More:Free court, free press important for EU investments in Turkey - MURAT YETKİN