Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Nato to send warships to patrol the Aegean Sea in attempt to stop migrants crossing | Daily Mail Online

We'll send in the warships, says Nato: Vessels set to patrol the Aegean Sea in attempt to stop migrants crossing

German chancellor called allies to send vessels to patrol the Turkish coast
Defence ministers are considering military action to stop people smugglers
Decision could be seen as admission that EU has failed to tackle the influx
Downing Street refused to comment on whether British vessels are sent
For more on the EU refugee crisis visit

By John Stevens In Brussels and Jason Groves In London For The Daily Mail

Warships will be deployed to stop migrants crossing the Aegean Sea to Europe, under a plan to be discussed by Nato defence chiefs today.

More:Nato to send warships to patrol the Aegean Sea in attempt to stop migrants crossing | Daily Mail Online