Thursday, June 11, 2015

The would-be sultan’s existential war - BURAK BEKDİL

The would-be sultan’s existential war

About four months ago, Robert Ellis, a prominent commentator on Turkish affairs, opened his op-ed with a forceful reminder: “The gripping drama ‘Der Untergang’ (Downfall), Oliver Hirschbiegel’s film from 2004, deals with the last days of the Third Reich in Adolf Hitler’s Berlin bunker. Now there are indications of the same kind of drama in Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s opulent new palace in Ankara, where he shows signs of increasing paranoia,” (“Erdoğan and the Bunker Syndrome,” Front Page Magazine, Feb. 12, 2015.) On Sunday, the protagonist in that article was no doubt the unhappiest man in this grey city of 5 million souls.

More:The would-be sultan’s existential war - BURAK BEKDİL