Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Turkish Eastern Black Sea: The Other Alps (Part One) - Forbes

Turkish Eastern Black Sea: The Other Alps (Part One)

This is the first of two posts on Turkey’s up-and-coming Eastern Black Sea region.

In a mountain village not long ago, I was balancing on a tiny stool in the grass, savoring delicious lunch goodies that were spread before me on a communal tray. Locals had invited me to share gooey fondue with chunks of peasant bread torn from loaves the size of small tires. We ate fresh tomatoes and plump grapes, and sipped sweet tea. With cowbells tinkling in the background, tractors hauled hay in the meadows above. A waterfall plunged down the slopes across a steep valley. I could have sworn that I was in the Alps.

More:Turkish Eastern Black Sea: The Other Alps (Part One) - Forbes