Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Starbucks becomes flashpoint between Turks, Armenians - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Starbucks becomes flashpoint between Turks, Armenians

On Feb. 18, the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) posted a picture of women with traditional Armenian gear, holding a Starbucks coffee cup, under the Turkish crescent and star flags on their Facebook account. Under the photo, which was displayed at the Mulholland and Calabasas stores in the Woodland Hills area of Los Angeles, the ANCA posed the question: “Why is Starbucks selling coffee using an image of women, dressed in traditional Armenian costumes, celebrating a Turkish state that systematically victimized Armenian women during the Armenian genocide, and that still denies this crime against all humanity?” Starbucks, known as a rather liberal establishment, promptly issued an apology and removed the posters, which were displayed in a couple of locations in Southern California. The photographer responsible for the design of the poster, Timothy Rose, also issued an apology on his webpage explaining that he had not known the women were Armenian.

More:Starbucks becomes flashpoint between Turks, Armenians - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East