Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Zeytinoglu: Change the conversation by understanding roots of sexual violence

Zeytinoglu: Change the conversation by understanding roots of sexual violence

Ekin Zeytinoglu, Columnist
February 24, 2015 •

Despite living in one of the world’s most diverse and beautiful cities, I and many other Istanbul teenagers grew up listening to horrendous stories of gender violence. At first, they were distant and about people we did not know. As we grew up, we started learning they weren’t always so far away. Rather, they often happen to people we know and care about, and sometimes we even see them happen. Sadly, hearing and seeing such awful experiences caused us to grow thick skins and feel indifferent at times when we shouldn’t. We intervened when we saw something wrong but did nothing else to change the status quo.

More:The Daily Northwestern : Zeytinoglu: Change the conversation by understanding roots of sexual violence