Thursday, February 26, 2015

British Authorities Seek to Pull ISIS 'Travel Guide' Offline

British Authorities Seek to Pull ISIS ‘Travel Guide’ Offline

by John Hayward26 Feb 20151

Scotland Yard is trying to have a fifty-page “how-to” manual published by ISIS for foreign recruits, teaching them how to slip past international authorities and hook up with the jihad in Syria, removed from the Internet. It’s not certain if the manual was read by the three Muslim girls who left their London homes to join the Islamic State, but they are prominently mentioned in the UK Guardian’s story about the Travel Guide of Terror: “On Tuesday, the Metropolitan police said it believed that Shamima Begum, 15, Kadiza Sultana, 16, and Amira Abase, 15, had entered Syria despite the tearful appeals of their families. The Muslims, who are thought to have been lured by jihadi propaganda, were on half-term break when they flew from Gatwick airport to Turkey, a common entry point to war-torn Syria.”

More:British Authorities Seek to Pull ISIS 'Travel Guide' Offline