Friday, January 23, 2015

Anthropologist Rejects 'Turk Remains a Turk' Adage; "All Turks aren't monsters" - Hetq - News, Articles, Investigations

Anthropologist Rejects 'Turk Remains a Turk' Adage; "All Turks aren't monsters"
Anna Muradyan

11:33, January 23, 2015

Hetq talks to Salim Aykut Öztürk, working on his PhD in Anthropology at the University College of London on the topic “Armenians between Istanbul and Armenia: An Ethnography of Communal Identity in Transnational Contexts”.

More:Anthropologist Rejects 'Turk Remains a Turk' Adage; "All Turks aren't monsters" - Hetq - News, Articles, Investigations