Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Turkey accused of handing 'British jihadists Shabazz Suleman and Hisham Folkard' back to Isis in return for hostages - Europe - World - The Independent

Turkey accused of handing 'British jihadists Shabazz Suleman and Hisham Folkard' back to Isis in return for hostages

Two men have been reportedly named on a leaked list of more than a hundred released prisoners
Antonia Molloy Author Biography

Monday 06 October 2014
Two British jihadists are believed to have been among more than a hundred prisoners freed back into the arms of Isis by Turkey, in order to secure the freedom of diplomats held hostage by the militant group, it was claimed in reports published today.

More:Turkey accused of handing 'British jihadists Shabazz Suleman and Hisham Folkard' back to Isis in return for hostages - Europe - World - The Independent