Friday, October 31, 2014

'Hope waning' for trapped Turkish miners | i24news - See beyond

'Hope waning' for trapped Turkish miners

Turkey acknowledges tons of mud, waste that crashed into Soma mine pits makes rescue efforts nearly impossible

Miners sit outside the Ermenek coal mine as search and rescue continues in Pamuklu on October 30, 2014 ( AFP )"Miners sit outside the Ermenek coal mine as search and rescue continues in Pamuklu on October 30, 2014 ( AFP )"Miners sit outside the Ermenek coal mine as search and rescue continues in Pamuklu on October 30, 2014 ( AFP )
Hopes are fading of saving 18 miners trapped by a flood in a mine in southern Turkey, the energy minister acknowledged Thursday, blaming negligence for the country's latest mining tragedy.

More:'Hope waning' for trapped Turkish miners | i24news - See beyond