Sunday, September 21, 2014

Turkey accused of colluding with Isis to oppose Syrian Kurds and Assad following surprise release of 49 hostages - Middle East - World - The Independent

Turkey accused of colluding with Isis to oppose Syrian Kurds and Assad following surprise release of 49 hostages

With President Erdogan refusing to explain why Isis decided to release 49 of the country’s diplomats, suspicions are growing about Ankara’s murky relationship with the self-styled caliphate
Patrick Cockburn Author Biography

Sunday 21 September 2014

Mystery surrounds the surprise release of 49 Turkish diplomats and their families held captive for three months by Isis. The Turkish government is denying any deal with the hostage-takers, making it unclear why Isis, notorious for its cruelty and ruthlessness, should hand over its Turkish prisoners on Saturday without a quid pro quo.

More:Turkey accused of colluding with Isis to oppose Syrian Kurds and Assad following surprise release of 49 hostages - Middle East - World - The Independent