Sunday, August 24, 2014

Kaya boils down dozens of films into one

Kaya boils down dozens of films into one ‘Remix’ explores copy culture in Turkish pop cinema

LOS ANGELES, Aug 23, (RTRS): Raucous, rowdy and regrettably scatter-brained, Cem Kaya’s side-splitting essay film “Remake, Remix, Rip-off” marks a noble, albeit disorganized effort to convey the appeal of vintage Turkish pop cinema to the world at large. As with sensory-overload Ozploitation docu “Not Quite Hollywood,” admission is worth it for the clips alone — hailing here from a period when the local industry was unabashedly pillaging Western source material and churning out lackluster riffs on such blockbusters as “Star Wars,” “Superman” and “The Wizard of Oz” — though a keen distrib would do well to sit down with Kaya and try to restructure this unwieldy feast.

More:Kaya boils down dozens of films into one