Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Incident: THY A321 at Istanbul and Budapest on AUg 18th 2014, bird strike

Incident: THY A321 at Istanbul and Budapest on AUg 18th 2014, bird strike
By Simon Hradecky, created Monday, Aug 18th 2014 22:10Z, last updated Monday, Aug 18th 2014 22:10Z

A THY Turkish Airlines Airbus A321-200, registration TC-JSC performing flight TK-1035 from Istanbul (Turkey) to Budapest (Hungary), departed from Istanbul's runway 35L but went through a flock of rather large birds and received a number of bird strikes. In the absence of any abnormal indications the crew decided to continue to Budapest, climbed the aircraft to FL360 and landed safely on Budapest's runway 31R about 2.5 hours later.

More:Incident: THY A321 at Istanbul and Budapest on AUg 18th 2014, bird strike