Erdoğan to Israel, for the Win!
Posted: 06/10/2014 12:19 pm EDT Updated: 1 hour ago
From an ugly brawl between the Islamic scholar Fetullah Gülen's movement and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to the Soma mining disaster, 2014 has not been Turkey's year. Last weekend marked the dual anniversaries of the Gezi Park protests that took place last year and the Mavi Marmara flotilla raid four years ago; both are powerful reminders of the continuing challenges and extreme polarization in Turkey today. Yet amidst Turkey's most consequential elections in decades, the longer marathon of Turkish politics is just getting started. Unfortunately, like many other democracies, elections seem to bring out the worst in Turkey.
More:Erdoğan to Israel, for the Win! | Joshua W. Walker