Monday, March 24, 2014

Vote out Erdoğan and his clique - CİHAN

Vote out Erdoğan and his clique
TR_ISTA - 24.03.2014 10:26:26

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has claimed since the Gezi Park mass protests of last summer against his growing authoritarianism that social media is a “pest.” Then, last week he thundered: “Twitter, mwitter, we will eradicate it all. The international community will say this and that but it doesn't concern me one bit. They will see the power of the Turkish Republic.” And Twitter was shut down a few hours later. Facebook and YouTube may follow suit since Erdoğan has already hinted that his government may do so. Why? Obviously to try and limit citizens' access to information about the extent of the corruption scandal which implicates Erdoğan and his clique of politicians, bureaucrats and businessmen -- an effort that is surely in vain.

More:Vote out Erdoğan and his clique - CİHAN