Sunday, March 30, 2014

Turkey: It is Time to Prove Your Sovereignty

Turkey: It is Time to Prove Your Sovereignty
Sibel Edmonds | March 29, 2014 Leave a Comment

The best interests of Turkey lie with Turkey and its people- the empire and its imperial interests notwithstanding.

I am sure many of you are familiar with Paul Revere’s famed midnight ride, which took place 239 years ago. It has been claimed that Paul Revere shouted the following legendary phrase as he passed from town to town: “The British are coming!” Reading the latest mainstream media headlines and highly charged lengthy articles on the coming local Turkish elections makes me think of a modified version of Paul Revere’s famous phrase: “Alert, alert, the Turkish local elections are coming!” With no recognition that this is about Turkey, or the Turkish people, or Turkey’s own local elections, but instead just a highly manic and propaganda-reeked style meant to induce tension and divisiveness.

More:Turkey: It is Time to Prove Your Sovereignty