Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Erdoğan, Gül and Arınç: parting of ways for the troika - CİHAN

Erdoğan, Gül and Arınç: parting of ways for the troika
TR_ISTA - 25.03.2014 10:40:09

We had quickly become accustomed to a frequently repeated assertion immediately after the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) was established in 2001.
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan would make a harsh statement with the potential to trigger debate across the country, but Abdullah Gül would step in to make soothing remarks. Particularly when Erdoğan spoke off script, there was always a possibility he would make a gaffe. Erdoğan was also counterbalanced by Bülent Arınç. Arınç enjoyed prestige as a delicately poised politician who inspired confidence in the general public as well as those voters who nurtured suspicions about the AK Party's intentions. After becoming president, Gül couldn't adequately play that same role. Arınç, on the other hand, continued to enjoy respect as the wise man of the party. But his statements started to lose their impact in the face of Erdoğan's irresistible authority.

More:Erdoğan, Gül and Arınç: parting of ways for the troika - CİHAN