Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Turkey’s Pro-Western Imperialism Puppets Accuse Turkish People of Being “Conspiracy Theorists”

Turkey’s Pro-Western Imperialism Puppets Accuse Turkish People of Being “Conspiracy Theorists”
Sibel Edmonds | February 20, 2014 21 Comments

Western Influenced & Directed Regime Change Operations are Deemed as a “Conspiracy Theory”

I just finished reading a ridiculous hit piece published at Eurasia.Net accusing the Turkish people of being conspiracy theorists for believing that the imperial US and EU are engaged in schemes towards regime change around the world. According to the article and its sources, one must be ignorant, uninformed, uneducated and a big time conspiracy theorist in order to believe that the US-EU are engaged in political manipulations and regime change operations around the world.

More:Turkey’s Pro-Western Imperialism Puppets Accuse Turkish People of Being “Conspiracy Theorists”