Monday, December 02, 2013

MasterPeace Competition: Play At MasterPeace In Instabul

MasterPeace Competition: Play At MasterPeace In Concert In Instanbul
A cultural dialogue through music

December 2, 2013

MasterPeace, an association dedicated to conflict prevention and promoting peace and intercultural dialogue, will host MasterPeace In Concert, a large-scale global concert in Istanbul on September 21, 2014. Additional concerts will be held in Amsterdam, Cairo, Moscow, New Delhi, Baghdad, Kathmandu, Dhaka, Kinshasa, Los Angeles, New York and more to be announced soon. However, Istanbul will be the “Unifying Concert” where artists from all areas, most notably conflict zones, will come together to promote peace through music. And here’s where you come in!

More:MasterPeace Competition: Play At MasterPeace In Instabul