Monday, December 02, 2013

Bringing France To Istanbul, Finding Himself Along The Way - Forbes

Bringing France To Istanbul, Finding Himself Along The Way

Ekim left France to find part of himself.

When you cross the Bosphorus on a daily basis as hundreds of thousands of Istanbulites do you notice the color of the water. Unlike New York’s East River for example, the color and tone of the straight can vary significantly from day to day or even hour to hour. The waterway that divides the city and Europe from Asia is more often than not a deep cobalt blue. After a big storm or a few days of rain however the aquatic passageway can take on a light sapphire hue or even a foamy blue-green complexion. You might say that the Bosphorus is as changeable and complex as any person in Istanbul.

More:Bringing France To Istanbul, Finding Himself Along The Way - Forbes