Saturday, October 05, 2013

Somaliland:The Minister of Finance (Abdiaziz Mohamed Samaale) budget presentation for the year 2014 to the House of Representatives. | | Somali News Online from Somaliland – Somalia and Horn of Africa

Somaliland:The Minister of Finance (Abdiaziz Mohamed Samaale) budget presentation for the year 2014 to the House of Representatives.

Making a budget presentation is a real challenge reason, being what information do you present, the approach one can arrange the presentation and where do you even get started? etc. Somali-land, Minister of Finance, Abdiaziz Mohamed Samaale has laid down in advance an effective fundamental of successful budget planning, which, which is the based on the following elements.

More:Somaliland:The Minister of Finance (Abdiaziz Mohamed Samaale) budget presentation for the year 2014 to the House of Representatives. | | Somali News Online from Somaliland – Somalia and Horn of Africa