Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Erdogan is eroding the freedom of the media - FT.com

Erdogan is eroding the freedom of the media

By David Gardner
What is left of the independence of Turkey’s press and broadcasters is at risk

When The Economist endorsed his opponent in Turkey’s 2011 general election, Recep Tayyip Erdogan ignited the campaign trail in righteous indignation. At a rally in Konya the day its editorial appeared, tens of thousands of his supporters roared in adoration as the prime minister riffed on the insolence of the magazine, which he insinuated was in cahoots not just with Turkey’s secular opposition, but Israel. Glowering like a prizefighter, he used the endorsement to jab at his enemies. Since that third consecutive victory at the polls and, above all, since June’s nationwide civic uprising against his intrusive and authoritarian behaviour, Mr Erdogan has taken the gloves off.

More:Erdogan is eroding the freedom of the media - FT.com