“We are Clark Kent in the morning and Superman in the evening” Inside Occupy Gezi
By Oliver Franklin 06 June 13
At first it was only about trees. What has quickly become known as Occupy Gezi began on 28 May, when protesters took to the historic Gezi Park in Taksim Square in central Istanbul. They were protesting government plans to dig up the park in order to build a reconstruction of the Ottoman-era Halil Pasa artillery barracks, which would house a shopping centre. In response, police used tear gas and water cannons to clear the protesters. The next day, thousands of protesters swarmed the square in protest. Now, ten days later, thousands of Turks are taking to the streets day and night in cities across the country in protest against Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the ruling Justice and Development party, AKP.
More:Protesters speak on Occupy Gezi Park & Turkish protests - GQ.COM (UK)