Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Turkey Unrest: A Family Split Between Erdogan and Taksim - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Generation Gap: Turkish Family Split Between Gezi and Old Way

By Özlem Gezer in Istanbul

The rift currently dividing Turkey also runs right through the middle of many families. SPIEGEL reporter Özlem Gezer has an uncle in Istanbul who loves Erdogan, a cousin who sleeps in the protesters' camp and parents who sit in Germany arguing over the unrest.

I'm sitting in an Ottoman corner booth in Istanbul, drinking tea. I've been listening to Sahmi for hours. "Erdogan won," he keeps saying, sometimes raising his hand for emphasis and sometimes pounding it on the table. Sahmi is a 64-year-old retiree living in Istanbul. He is also my uncle.

More:Turkey Unrest: A Family Split Between Erdogan and Taksim - SPIEGEL ONLINE