Thursday, June 27, 2013

Turkey and the EU, a difficult relationship - The New Federalist, webzine of the Young European Federalist

Turkey and the EU, a difficult relationship

Wednesday 26 June 2013, by Alessio PisanĂ²

As a result of the crackdown on the mass demonstration in Istanbul by the conservative government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan the negotiation for Turkey accession to the EU could be frozen. Germany and the Netherlands expressed strong disappointment for the massive use of police force on demonstrators in Taksim square and therefore are trying to block these negotiations due to start this week in Brussels. Critics say that the German and the Dutch governments are just taking an excuse to stop Turkey to get closer to Europe. It is a fact that Angela Merkel is a longstanding opponent of Turkey entry which is an associate member of the European Union and its predecessors since 1963. Another fact is that Mr Erdogan and his ministers’ reaction to the demonstration and official statements do not help at all.

More:Turkey and the EU, a difficult relationship - The New Federalist, webzine of the Young European Federalist