Pipeline to Turkey or LNG to China?
Amiram Barkat
The question is not whether Israel will export gas, but how.
19 June 13 19:09, Amiram Barkat
This Sunday, the government is due to discuss policy on gas exports. Russia, Turkey, the US and Cyprus are all closely following the decision making process. The question that interests these countries is not so much whether Israel will export gas, as how. Constructing a pipeline to Turkey would give Israel entreƩ to the geopolitical arena and to the major league. Official and unofficial Israeli representatives are already talking to their Turkish counterparts. Several senior figures in the Turkish government have recently spoken in favor the export of gas, and for its part Israel has authorized special energy envoy Michael Lotam to coordinate negotiations with the Turks. In an exceptional step, the Antitrust Authority director gave the go ahead to the Leviathan gas field partners to open business negotiations with Turkish companies, because of the political importance of such talks.
More:Pipeline to Turkey or LNG to China? - Globes