Monday, June 03, 2013

Let Turkey into the EU now! – Telegraph Blogs

Let Turkey into the EU now!

By James Delingpole Politics Last updated: June 3rd, 2013

Poor Turks! Of all the peoples I've encountered in my travels around the world, the Turks really have got to be among the kindest, most generous and welcoming. (My other top candidate in that category would be the Sudanese.) So it really saddens me to read of the civil unrest which has been plaguing Turkey this last week. Someone suggested to me that this is the sort of behaviour which shows exactly why Turkey should never be admitted to the EU. Eh? This rioting isn't the result of natural savages casting off the threads of civilisation; it's the result of civilised, educated, cosmopolitan Turks rising up against the authoritarianism of Recep Tayyip Erdogan's regime.

More:Let Turkey into the EU now! – Telegraph Blogs