Saturday, June 29, 2013

Gül and Erdogan Engaged in a Power Struggle in Turkey - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Turkish Power Struggle: Brotherly Love Begins to Fray in Ankara

By Maximilian Popp in Istanbul


Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan and President Gül have long been political allies. But ongoing protests in the country have caused their relationship to fray and the ensuing power struggle could spell the end of the AKP.

The two men came from different backgrounds, but shared a belief in Allah and a common goal: power. Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Abdullah Gül, now respectively prime minister and president of Turkey, have worked together since the 1990s and their alliance has helped political Islam attain more power than ever before.

More:Gül and Erdogan Engaged in a Power Struggle in Turkey - SPIEGEL ONLINE